Faith Lutheran Church
Faith Lutheran Church in Durand, WI was begun by 63 members who held their organizational meeting at the Pepin County Courthouse on August 30, 1964. It was at that meeting the name “Faith” was adopted to show the faith and determination that those people had in their ability to found a new congregation, their firm belief that God was with them, would bless their efforts and help them overcome all difficulties.
The first morning worship service was held in the Pilgrim Congregational Church of Durand on September 6, 1964 at 8:30 am.
Additional history highlights include:
September 12, 1964 was the beginning of the Christian Education program held on Saturday mornings.
September 16, 1964 the first confirmation class met in the basement of the home of a parishioner.
September 20, 1964 the first Communion Service.
September 27, 1964 the first annual meeting.
October 15, 1964 application was made to the Northern Wisconsin District, American Lutheran Church for affiliation.
November 8, 1964 our first celebration of the sacrament of Holy Baptism.
February 26, 1965 sent a “Letter of Call” to our first full-time pastor, Charles D. Gavin.
March 23, 1965 ground breaking for the building of Faith Lutheran Church.
April 27, 1965 admitted to the American Lutheran Church.
June 13, 1965 Charles D. Gavin was ordained
August 29, 1965 “Service of Entrance” into new church building.
October 24, 1965 dedication of new church.
October 30, 1977 the educational unit was dedicated, which included 7 classrooms, an office and conference room. There were 79 children in Sunday School, from nursery through 12th grade.
December 31, 1980, Faith Lutheran Church grew from 63 organizing members to a baptized membership of 329 and a confirmed membership of 230.
November 14, 1982, the debt on the educational unit was retired.
October 16, 1983 celebrated the burning of the mortgage for the church building.
Held a 25th Anniversary celebration in October 1989.
The second educational unit was built in 1989. It included 4 classrooms and a multi-purpose room. The dining hall was also remodeled.
In the summer of 1995 thirty high school youth from Faith and other congregations went to Juarez, Mexico on a mission trip. Additional trips to a variety of locations followed, and continue.
January 21, 1996 Faith Lutheran Church voted to yoke with Rock Creek Lutheran Church. 59 people in favor, and 13 against.
In 1997 the Pepin County / Durand Area Food Pantry started with much work from Pastor Karl and Intern Eldon.
1997 started contemporary music services led by Paul and Margit Churness.
2002 WRDN radio station was sold and moved out of Durand. Radio ministry at Faith ended. When the station returned to Durand, in 2012 church service once again broadcast on WRDN.
In June 2014 we began sharing Sunday morning worship bulletins and monthly newsletters with our sister congregation, Rock Creek Lutheran Church.
October 12, 2014 celebrated 50 Years of Faith.
Pastors who have served Faith Lutheran Church:
Charles Gavin - 1965-1970
David Kramer - 1970-1975
Fred Ohlrogge - 1975-1988
Karl Spieker - 1988-1999
Charles Plaster - 1999-2005
Dale Horner - 2006-2012
Michelle Nickodemus - 2013-2017
Paul Oppedahl - 2018-2019
Student Interns at Faith Lutheran Church:
Gail Riina - 1996-1997
Eldon Simonsen - 1997-1998
Jennifer Dorr - 1998-1999